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Icon HelpCircleForumIcon Link
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@fuel-ts/program v0.94.9 Docs

Icon LinkInterface: InvokeFunction()<TArgs, TReturn>

Represents a function that can be invoked.

Icon LinkType Parameters

TArgs extends any[] = any[]

Type of the function's arguments.

TReturn = any

Type of the function's return value.

Icon InfoCircle

InvokeFunction(...args): FunctionInvocationScope <TArgs, TReturn>

Represents a function that can be invoked.

Icon LinkParameters

• ...args: TArgs

Icon LinkReturns

FunctionInvocationScope <TArgs, TReturn>

Icon LinkDefined in

types.ts:71 Icon Link

Icon LinkProperties

Icon LinkisReadOnly()

Icon InfoCircle

isReadOnly: () => boolean

Checks if the function is read-only i.e. it only reads from storage, does not write to it.

Icon LinkReturns


True if the function is read-only or pure, false otherwise.

Icon LinkDefined in

types.ts:77 Icon Link