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Transaction Parameters

Icon LinkTransaction Parameters

Transaction parameters allow you to configure various aspects of your blockchain transactions. Dependent on these parameters, it may introduce a transaction policy .

All available parameters are shown below:

const txParams: TxParams = {
  gasLimit: bn(69242),
  maxFee: bn(69242),
  tip: bn(100),
  maturity: 1,
  witnessLimit: bn(5000),

Icon LinkGas Limit

The maximum amount of gas you're willing to allow the transaction to consume. If the transaction requires more gas than this limit, it will fail.

gasLimit: bn(69242),

Icon LinkMax Fee

The maximum amount you're willing to pay for the transaction using the base asset. This allows users to set an upper limit on the transaction fee they are willing to pay, preventing unexpected high costs due to sudden network congestion or fee spikes.

maxFee: bn(69242),

Icon LinkTip

An optional amount of the base asset to incentivise the block producer to include the transaction, ensuring faster processing for those willing to pay more. The value set here will be added to the transaction maxFee.

tip: bn(100),

Icon LinkMaturity

The number of blocks that must pass before the transaction can be included in a block. This is useful for time-sensitive transactions, such as those involving time-locked assets.

For example, if the chain produces a new block every second, setting Maturity to 10 means the transaction will be processed after approximately 10 seconds.

maturity: 1,

Icon LinkWitness Limit

The maximum byte length allowed for the transaction witnesses array. For instance, imagine a transaction that will deploy a contract. The contract bytecode will be one of the entries in the transaction witnesses. If you set this limit to 5000 and the contract bytecode length is 6000, the transaction will be rejected because the witnesses bytes length exceeds the maximum value set.

witnessLimit: bn(5000),

Icon LinkVariable Outputs

The number of variable outputs that should be added to the transaction request. You can read more about it on this guide

Icon InfoCircle

Note: Setting transaction parameters is optional. If you don't specify them, the SDK will fetch some sensible defaults from the chain.

Icon LinkSetting Transaction Parameters

To set the transaction parameters, you have access to the txParams method on a transaction request.

const transactionRequest = new ScriptTransactionRequest({
  script: ScriptSum.bytecode,
  gasLimit: 100,

The same method is also accessible within a function invocation scope, so it can also be used when calling contract functions.

const { waitForResult } = await contract.functions
  .increment_count(15) //
const {
  transactionResult: { isStatusSuccess },
} = await waitForResult();
console.log('Transaction request', transactionRequest);
console.log('Transaction status', isStatusSuccess);
console.log('Transaction value', value);
Icon InfoCircle

Note: When performing an action that results in a transaction (e.g. contract deployment, contract call with .call(), asset transfer), the SDK will automatically estimate the fee based on the gas limit and the transaction's byte size. This estimation is used when building the transaction. As a side effect, your wallet must own at least one coin of the base asset, regardless of the amount.

Icon LinkFull Example

import type { TxParams } from 'fuels';
import { bn, Provider, ScriptTransactionRequest, Wallet } from 'fuels';
import { LOCAL_NETWORK_URL, WALLET_PVT_KEY } from '../env';
import { CounterFactory } from '../typegend';
import { ScriptSum } from '../typegend/scripts';
const provider = await Provider.create(LOCAL_NETWORK_URL);
const wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(WALLET_PVT_KEY, provider);
const deploy = await CounterFactory.deploy(wallet);
const { contract } = await deploy.waitForResult();
const txParams: TxParams = {
  gasLimit: bn(69242),
  maxFee: bn(69242),
  tip: bn(100),
  maturity: 1,
  witnessLimit: bn(5000),
const transactionRequest = new ScriptTransactionRequest({
  script: ScriptSum.bytecode,
  gasLimit: 100,
const { waitForResult } = await contract.functions
  .increment_count(15) //
const {
  transactionResult: { isStatusSuccess },
} = await waitForResult();
console.log('Transaction request', transactionRequest);
console.log('Transaction status', isStatusSuccess);
console.log('Transaction value', value);